Kris Covino

Kris Covino

Toronto, Canada Website
How we job match you better

Showcase your skills

Develop a skill portfolio to showcase your professional capabilities that will make meaningful contributions to a range of work.

Avoid ghosting + spam

Transform your job search by tapping into the best opportunities. Eliminate ghosting and spam and direct connect with opportunities that matter.

Unbiased AI

Our skill based talent matching platform uses generative AI to eliminate bias and allowing you to discover the best fit opportunities.

Match Candidates by Skills

Level identifies candidates whose skills align directly with your job requirements, ensuring you connect with the right talent for the role.dd.

Eliminate Bias in Hiring

Our AI-driven platform ensures an equitable hiring process by eliminating unconscious bias, empowering you to discover high-potential candidates based purely on their skills..

Accelerate Your Hiring

With automated sourcing, matching, and initial screening, Level helps you create shortlists faster, so you can focus on final decisions..

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